Will vscode replace atom long term?
This week I switched my main text editor from Atom to Visual Studio Code.
I initially started using it because of it’s native support for typescript, with which I had been experimenting. After taking some time to migrate my preferred text editor settings however, I started switching more of my general text editing over to it. I found it to be at least as good as atom.
I have very much enjoyed atom as a text editor for a while now. And actually I had very few reasons to switch. Code starts faster, and I like the sidebar switching between different modes: files, search, and source control. Atom has too many sidebars on different sides of the window for me.
So far I am liking it. My favorite extension is one that I could never find in atom, Project Manager. So that I can bookmark my commonly opened folders for quick access. If you are interested, you can find my current settings here.