
Trivia Tracker

Trivia Tracker is an app for iPhone and iPad developed by Paul Landers.

It is a score tracker; as you watch a trivia episode1 and call out answers, you can use the app to mark whether or not you were correct. Then, at the end you can compare your score to your friends and family, or the contestants themselves!

Download on the App Store


  • Individual clues can be marked “Correct”, “Wrong”, or “Skipped”
  • Simple user interface, tap clues to toggle between the modes.
    • On iPhone, you may also tap-hold a clue to get a menu of the options
  • Category titles can be entered, to assist marking the correct clues as the game progresses.
  • Toggle between the first and second rounds.


Standard Usage

Category Entry



For support or help with this app, contact the developer.

  1. The creator of this app is not affiliated with any game shows in any capacity.